Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Project Management 6145 Week 5-Estimating Costs and Allocating Resources

Hello Everyone!

We have made it to week 5 already of our project management course!  I can’t believe we’ve already made it this far and are almost finished.  It has definitely been interesting and I have gained a lot of great information.

This week we have freebie assignment:

To prepare for this assignment, conduct a web search (listservs, message boards, blogs) and locate at least two resources that would be useful in estimating the costs, effort, and/or activity durations associated with ID projects. Explore the sites and consider how you might use them to help plan a project’s schedule, budget, or break down a project’s tasks.

Here are the websites I found that hopefully will be of some assistance:

 The title pretty much says it all!  This website has a plethora of information ranging from training cost guidelines, to estimating development hours, and development time for e-learning modules.  This is a great place to look in determining how many hours it may actually take to develop the specified item.

It also provides great low-cost resources designers can utilize to help keep costs down. 

 Similar to the above resource, it provides cost breakdown for faculty developming distance learning (web courses)

 What I like most about this article is its honest perspective in determining how much time a given activity takes, using something called the “fudge ratio”.  Of course this seems completely inapplicable but it can be applied in an instructional design team.

It would require the project manager to be proactive and track how long basic processes of the ADDIE model actually take to be completed within the team and then use this as the basis for future estimates. By no means is this a fool-proof method, but it is a place to at least start…

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