Thursday, April 5, 2012

EIDT 6501 Training and Development: High Tech Training (Week 6)

Greetings everyone,

This week our assignment is to think about the various training technologies outlined in our required text and consider what impact these technologies are having and will continue to have in training and development environments. Then choose four technologies or technological advancements used in training, as described in the text. Next, conduct online research (in the Walden library or other reputable site) to find one additional article or resource that highlights the use of technology for teaching or training purposes. Finally post a blog entry that explains the impact each of your five selected technologies has and will continue to have on how people learn and interact, and the implications of this for training.

The technologies/technological advancements that I selected are:
  • Computer-based training (CBT)
  • Online Learning
  • Virtual Worlds (Second Life)
  • Mobile Technology: Ipods & PDAs
  • Online Social Networks
Computer-based training (CBT)
“An interactive training experience in which the computer provides the learning stimulus, the trainee must respond, and the computer analyzes the response and provides feedback to the trainee” (Noe, 2010, p. 303). CBT has had major impact on how people learn and interact, as it was a pioneering technology used in training delivery.

Online Learning
Also referred to as e-learning, “ refers to instruction and delivery of training by computer online through the Internet or the Web” (Noe, 2010, p. 305). E-Learning has changed “where” training must be delivered, as the Internet and Web are available worldwide.

Virtual Worlds
Virtual worlds such as Second Life, Forterra, and Virtual Heroes are “computer-based, simulated online virtual world that includes a three-dimensional representation of the real world and a place to host learning programs or experiences” (Noe, 2010, p. 321). What is especially interesting about this technology is its effectiveness to link users all over the world in a simulation. The simulation can be something as simple as a meeting, or as complex as a demonstration/tour of a client site. 

Mobile Technology: Ipods & PDAs
Another technology that has forever changed the realm of training, mobile technology allows learning to occur anywhere at anytime.  This is very important in today’s current environment, as everyone is on the go! Mobile technologies are also a great alternative or follow up to in person traditional training.

Online Social Networks
Everyone is familiar with online social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, etc-but few people utilize them for the invaluable learning tools they are. The evolving world of Internet communication blogs, podcasts, tags, file swapping offers students radically new ways to research, create, and learn” (Smith, n.d.).

“The Internet is primarily responsible for creating our revolution in learning. Internet technology has permitted the development of electronic networks that integrate voice, video, and data connections among learners, instructors, and experts” (Noe, 2010, p. 299).  

Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Smith, F. (n.d.). How to Use Social-Networking Technology for Learning. . Retrieved April 5, 2012, from


  1. Audrea,

    I was very interested in all that Second Life and other virtual worlds had to offer learning. As I studied more on them I saw what a limited view I had on this technology. Movies like "Gamer" and books like "Otherland" really kept my limited view focused on socializing and game play. But to see all that can be done on these sites is amazing. I had no idea that you could create classrooms, or "virtual reality simulations that actively involve the learner" (Noe, 2011).
    Do you see this kind of technology playing a bigger role in teaching and learning in the future, or not? Does your opinion have anything to do with how this type of technology is portrayed in the media?

    Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

  2. Hi Audrea,

    Your interesting post helped me to recall how amazing different technologies are connected and how they are working for/with each other. Actually, four of your selected technologies could be easily accessed by any of the Mobile Technology devices.

    In 2011, mobile devices were considered one of the six technologies that were featured in the Horizon Report under “Technologies to Watch” The report stated “Mobiles enable ubiquitous access to information, social networks, tools for learning and productivity, and much more. Mobile devices continue to evolve, but it is the increased access to affordable and reliable networks that is driving this technology now. Mobiles are capable computing devices in their own right — and they are increasingly a user’s first choice for Internet access”
    Thanks for sharing the information.


    Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved on April 8, 2012 from

  3. Audrea,

    CBT is something I plan to learn a lot more about very soon. I have just accepted a new position and I will be tasked with developing more ways to train employees at a distance. The team I am joining is responsible for training those at the front end of physician practices. It is very inconvenient to remove people from the front desk of a doctor's office in order to attend training. I have been hired to come up with better ways to train these employees at a distance. I plan to implement a few different types of computer based training. I am especially interested in interactive CBT. I want the users to be able to be very active in their learning experience and receive timely and appropriate feedback as they learn. CBT will definitely be my focus of technology starting now and going forward.

  4. Audrea,
    You selected five very powerful technologies for training and development. As I read through the technology descriptions in the Blog, several questions came to mind. You mentioned that CBT has had a major impact on how people learn and interact; what do you see as the potential impact for training in the future? What did you find as advantages for Online learning and what would you see as the continued impact it will have on how people learn and interact in training?

    What do you see as some of the disadvantages of using Virtual Worlds for training? What implications do Mobile technologies and Online Social Networks for the future of training?


    1. Hello Audrea,

      I agree with you that continuing professional learning (PM certification, CS5, Captivate, Articulate & e-Learning) would be beneficial to both the company and yourself and allow you to remain competitive. This e-learning will allow organization to leverage an employee’s performance, workplace learning and performance professionals in order to help them create a culture that allows for innovative ideas to flourish, provide work that employees deem meaningful to the organization and their career paths, give workers control over what they do and how they do it and recognize and reward employees decisions to be content (Ketter, 2010).

      Have you determined if you want the assessment to focus on performance, salary level or career advancement or a combination of all three (Noe, 2010)? II think it is commendable that you wish to improve you skill in getting along with your current co-workers or possible manager candidates. Your acknowledgement of the fact that understanding how other communicates is important when forging successful relationships is wise since misunderstanding usually occur as a result of communication. I took the Myers-Briggs assessment, but at the time I did not even consider the implications it held toward developing my skills. I think I will try to find the results and begin to utilize it as a professional development tool.

      In your blog your focus on developing the future leaders is a testament to your forward thinking. You emphasize the importance of employee’s ability to actively contribute to operational, strategic and financial goals of the company (Regan, 2007). It seems to me that benchmarks are a means to actively involve management in the development of employees. I like the aspect of comparing self-ratings with those of managers. It broadens ones perspectives of their abilities and skills. It also provides a development guide with examples of experiences that enhance each of the skills and how successful managers use the skills which is an excellent resource to consider specific situations to develop in which to place employees (Noe, 2010).


      Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

      Regan, B. (2007). The future of training. Ezine@rticles. Retrieved from

  5. People would definitely benefit from getting further training as these would help them with their tasks in the near future. All of this ought to start with personal development of course and this too, could be initiated by the company.
